
The Department of Economics has 31 permanent faculty members, with research and teaching interests that span a broad range of fields. In addition to strengths in micro theory, macroeconomics and econometrics (Bayesian and classical), the department has expertise in many applied fields, including economic history, industrial organization, international economics, labor economics, public choice and public finance, transportation economics, and urban economics. The department offers programs leading to both a B.A. and Ph.D. degree, and this website provides more information about those programs, the faculty, and the department's research activities.
The department's main administrative offices are located on the third floor of Building B in the Social Science Plaza (rooms SSPB 3223 and 3229).


  • Social sciences welcomes five UC President's and Chancellor's Postdocs for 2023-21

    One-year fellowship supports outstanding women, underrepresented minorities in developing academic careers

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© UC Irvine School of Social Sciences - 3151 Social Sciences Plaza, Irvine, CA 92697-5100 - 949.824.2766

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